Engineering | Consulting

WOLLNY CONSULTING supplies engineering design and sizing of components for projects with complex structure. We develop technical specifications and overtake the construction supervision for PV-Hybrid Mini Grid projects or PV rooftop plants and all kind of energy efficiency projects.

The focus of these efforts lies in supplying energy solutions to rural areas utilizing environmentally-sound renewable energy sources. Regionally we are focused on Asia and Sub-Sahara Africa.

Concept development:

  • - Rural electricity (RE) supply concepts for both small, isolated grids and national grids
  • - Energy utilization concepts for handicrafts and small-scale industry, agriculture industry and for residential rural electricity supply
  • - Dissemination concepts for RE technologies

Project planning:

  • - Analysis of energy demand and RE potential
  • - Site investigation for projects
  • - Economic and financial analysis
  • - Evaluation of project executing institutions

Project execution:

  • - Advising political decision makers in the energy sector
  • - Advising national and regional utilities, ministries, and related authorities
  • - Supporting and advising private-enterprise initiatives in the energy sector, such as energy cooperatives and local utilities
  • - Educating technical and management personnel in planning and executing energy projects, including training plant administrators, officials, and operational staff
  • - Advising local manufacturers, particularly in technology transfer and quality control

Project monitoring and evaluation:

  • - Analysis of plant data
  • - Verification of plant performance

Based on our international experience, WOLLNY CONSULTING conducts market studies in our key areas of competence, due diligence at project level and client-oriented advisory services.

We support international development cooperations in implementing rural electrification measures, developing new project ideas based on our market experience and conduct training and workshop activities for stakeholders with local cultural business behaviors.

Rural electrification in Guycora Village (Mexico)

Village electrification in Mexico